LoriAnn Persinger joins Team 100k

LoriAnn Persinger of Las Vegas, Nevada has joined with Team 100k for the 2023-24 season. If you have ever played with LoriAnn you haven’t forgotten it, a poker player who always brings a great attitude to match her great talent, she is a wonderful interaction as well as tough competition on the poker felt.

Last year LoriAnn had her biggest accomplishment after winning a $12,400 package from the WPT Ambassador competition through Andrew Neeme’s Twitter contest. LoriAnn played that event in December of 2022, and finished 30th place out of 2,960 entries, good for ascore of $119,300, her biggest poker cash and accomplishment to date.

LoriAnn brings extensive live tournament experience to the table, especially in Las Vegas where she resides. She will be a great resource and talent, and Team 100k is very excited to have her on the team!

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